The Day that I've been waiting...

Today is the day that I've been waiting...why? Because today is the day that our grades went available online. Yes...UST student grades are now available after days of worries. It's my fault anyway that those days became DAYS OF WORRIES for me. Not because I didn't pay attention on my lessons(part of it though), but because I had doubts in the PROMISES OF GOD for me. You may be wondering what these promises are, aren't you? Promises of not letting me fail in any of my activities because I promised Him that when I graduate and work, I will offer my life to serving Him and His people. In short...I am studying and working for Him.
After seeing my grades, I cried and cried...not because I failed in any of my subjects, but because He didn't let me fail. God, again, didn't fail me...and He never will.
Now I can say that I can enjoy the whole summer with my family, friends, and of course...with God.

Tuesday, April 6

Reading 1: Acts 2:36-41

Responsorial Psalm:
The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.

Upright is the Word of the Lord,
and all His Works are trustworthy.
He loves justice and right;
of the kindness of the Lord the earth is full.

See, the eyes of the Lord are upon those who fear Him,
upon those who hope for His kindness,
to deliver them from death
and preserve them in spite of famine.

Our soul waits for the Lord,
Who is our help and our shield.
May Your kindness, O Lord, be upon us
who have put our hope in You.

Gospel: Jn 20:11-18

First Monday of Jesus' Resurrection

Reading 1: Acts 2:14, 22-33

Responsorial Psalm: Keep me safe O God; You are my HOPE.

Gospel: Mt 28:8-15

Keep me safe O God for you are my hope...Lord God, in You I take refuge. In You I entrust myself. I LOVE YOU!

The Risen Christ..


Reading1: Acts 10:34a, 37-43

Responsorial Psalm:
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.

Reading2: Col 3:1-4 or 1Cor 5:6b-8

Gospel: Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or Lk 24:13-35

Because of Jesus' sufferings and death, the devil thought that Jesus lost. But today, Jesus' resurrection was witnessed by some of His most faithful disciples. Jesus was raised from the dead. He was able to conquer death. This is a very important message for us. Jesus showed us that death can be conquered with God. That we should not be afraid to die because by our faith in God, we will be saved and we'll receive eternal life. It is a reminder for us that death is not the end as long as we live like long as we put God in the center of our lives.

In God's Sight

In God's Sight
by: Millelan2

I woke up in the morning feeling warm and bright
Not knowing what will happen and test my might
But I don't care for I know it will be alright
'Cause I am sure that I am always in God's sight

I'm assured that I'm always in God's sight
That's why I offer this day to Him and night
I offer everything by being the world's light
By following the steps of His Son Jesus Christ

I will follow the steps of His Son Jesus Christ
That is why in humility I will recite
His poem of happiness and sure love of great height
Which helps me recognize the earth's hidden sites

Yes, it will help me recognize the hidden sites
So now, instead of worrying I should delight
I'm sure that I'll be grateful to Him tonight
'Cause I know that God will never leave me His sight

-I made this poem last January 30, 2010 because my cousin asked me to create one. This poem is the main reason why I decided to continue my duties and obligations as a YOUTH WHO LOVES CHRIST. This poem inspired me a lot...I hope it inspires you too.
-peace be with you all!..

Good Friday of the Lord's Passion..

Reading1: Is 52:13-53:12

Responsorial Psalm:
Father, into Your hands I commend my spirit.

Reading2: Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9

Gospel: Jn 18:1-19:42

Today is the Good Friday of the Lord's Passion. He was betrayed, scourged, crowned with thorns, was ordered to carry His cross, crucified, and He died. Our Lord experienced and accepted this not because He has sinned but in order to save us because WE have sinned.
On His way to Calvary, He fell three times. I attended a procession for the Stations of the Cross, and I've learned that the falls Jesus had symbolizes that we have fallen into temptation...we have sinned. Jesus fell three times, but He stood up, knowing that God will give Him strength to continue and will never leave Him.
Many of Jesus' disciples were afraid of the Jews, some even denied Him. If I were there, I might be one of them...afraid of rejection, afraid that I may suffer like Jesus. But if we look at God's way and accept it like Jesus, we'll find that with our sufferings, we are strengthened by God's Spirit. With our sufferings, we are accepting God's grace. With our sufferings and death, we are accepting the new and eternal life with God.

Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper

APRIL 1, 2010 (Maundy Thursday)

Reading 1-- Ex 12:1-8, 11-14

Responsorial Psalm
Our blessing-cup is a communion with the Blood of Christ.

Reading 2-- 1Cor 11:23-26

Gospel-- Jn 13:1-15

In the gospel, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, saying "Do you realize what I have done for you? You call me 'teacher' and 'master', and rightly so, for indeed I am. If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another's feet. I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do."

Jesus already knew that He has to go. 'He had come from God and and was returning to God.' In His Last Supper, He showed His disciples the greatest things that they should remember...that God loves us all so we should love one another...that Jesus is our model and guide towards God...that Jesus is our King--and yet, He served us.

We can apply the Servant-King in our lives. Especially in politics. It would be better if those who are in power would think like Jesus. Jesus has the power and authority but He uses it to show how much He cares for much He loves us.

Holy Wednesday

March 31, 2010

Responsorial Psalm:

Lord, in your great love, answer me.
For Your sake I bear insult,
and shame covers my face.
I have become an outcast to my brothers,
a stranger to my mother's sons,
because zeal for your house consumes me,
and the insults of those who blaspheme You fall upon me.

Insult has broken my heart, and I am weak,
I looked for sympathy, but there was none;
for consolers, not one could I find.
Rather they put gall in my food,
and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

I will praise the name of God in song,
and I will glorify Him in thanksgiving;
"See, you lonely ones, and be glad;
you who seek God, may your hearts revive!
For the Lord hears the poor,
and His own who are in bonds He spurns not."


Mt 26:14-25

--I want to focus on the responsorial psalm because Jesus said that blessed are those who are weeping, blessed are those who are insulted and persecuted for the name of God. They are blessed because God is with them.
Many times I felt that I was alone. Many times I felt that everyone would like to stay away from me. That no one ever wanted to be with me. Many times I am in despair. But during those times...God always whisper, "I am here, always here to help you. I'm just waiting for you." These words make me strong. Because I know, that as long as my intentions are for serving God, He will surely bless me and give me triumph in every obstacles I encounter.
Just like Jesus, we should not lose our faith in the Father. Jesus experienced more hatred and insults than anyone, but with God's power, He was able to finish His mission with success.

Holy Tuesday

MARCH 30, 2010

"I will sing of your salvation."
In You O Lord, I take refuge;
let me never be put to shame.
In Your justice rescue me, and deliver me;
incline Your ear to me, and save me.

GOSPEL: (Jn 13:21-33, 36-38)
In this gospel is Jesus' Last Supper. Here, Jesus is like bading farewell to His disciples. He knew that He'd be betrayed by one of them. For me, Judas Iscariot plays a big role in the Salvation History.Though he betrayed Jesus, think about it, without him, will there be Jesus on the cross?
But of course, Judas shouldn't have exchanged Jesus for money.
In real life, we can see this. Many, especially politicians in corrupt countries, are exchanging their spiritual lives for their physical and mortal body. They don't realize that the most important things are found not in the material world that they live in but in the spiritual world that they are trading. They are blinded by gold and silver--by evil and temptation.
Today is Holy Tuesday, and for many times we have also betrayed Jesus. Countless times we have hurt Him by exchanging Him for material things. Let us not judge others because we too, have sinned. Also, let us not forget God's love for us. Jesus' love for us. He is always ready to forgive us no matter how grave we have sinned.

Reflection for Today...

It is Holy Week so let us reflect on our lives and ask God for the forgiveness of our sins. Let us also ask for strength to turn away from our sins. Let us ask for strength to be able to carry our crosses just like Jesus Christ.
The Gospel for today(Jn 12:1-11) tells us about the miracle Jesus did for Lazarus. Jesus raised him up from the dead. Many people started believing in Jesus but also, many hated Him. The gospel is also about Mary, who humbly and willingly anointed the feet of Jesus with a very expensive oil. Judas, one of Jesus' apostles, said "Why was this oil not sold for three hundred days' wages and given to the poor." Jesus replied, "Leave her alone. Let her keep this for the day of my burial. You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me."
This phrases Jesus said shows us that Jesus is prepared to die. I can say that Mary is blessed because she was able to know and see the Truth. She knew that we should offer the greatest things to the Lord. Because every great things we receive comes from Him. We should offer Him everything, even our sufferings.
Let us always remember that Jesus loves us even though we have done things that hurt Him. He loves us that He wants to be with us even in our saddest times.

Reflection for the Day

I went to mass early this morning knowing that I really need to attend. I'm feeling down just thinking of my test results that is why I thought of going to the mass and hear the Word of God to inspire myself.

Here is the Responsorial Psalm:

"The Lord will guard us as a shepherd guards his flock."

This is a simple line but a meaningful one. Just like my favorite psalm. "The Lord is my Light and my Salvation, there is nothing I shall fear." With this, I felt the presence of God. If God is with me, nothing can harm me. For God is Almighty.

"We can't always get what we like. That's why we should learn to like what we get."

This is a part of the homily which struck me the most. We always ask for things that we think would make us happy, but God's given gifts are much better--they are the best for us. We may not accept it at first, but sooner or later, we would realize that we were transformed into a different person--but it's up to us if we became much better persons or not.

After the mass, I prayed to God and asked Him to let His will be done. I may not immediately like the outcome, but I'm sure that it will be for the common good.

-peace be with you all!..

My Last Exam for the Semester

We just finished our last exam...When I passed my papers...I felt weak, like I couldn't even stand from my seat. Because it is my first first exam wherein I was not able to solve any!I don't know if my answers were correct. It's a multiple choice exam and is the hardest exam I have ever taken. I cried hard...I prayed a lot. I went to the chapel then I realized...

Life isn't always about success. Sometimes, you have to experience failure...Because in failure, we realize that we need God to carry us.

After the exam, I felt a huge burden in I'm going to give up. And I called for Him...I need someone willing to share with my burden. Right now, while typing this... I feel that everything will be okay. Like what I've read in the chapel,

"I called for Him, and He heard my voice."

I completely offer everything to Him.

-peace be with you all..

God wants us with Him..

Feb 12, 10
It's been more than a week since I've last posted something in here..that's because I've done something that was so offensive and by doing that, I think I've lost God's Spirit that I also lost the interest to continue. I lost the interest because I'm so ashamed of myself. I never thought I would do that again since I know how much God loves me. I know how much God loves me and yet, I disappointed Him by choosing evil and running away from my responsibilities, running away from Him.
This week, our Theology professor gave us a project about church organizations. I chose to do Youth for Christ since I am a YFC and I know more about it. It will be easier for me to dicuss something I know and am comfortable with than discussing something new but unfamiliar. While doing the project, of course, i have to do some research which made me recall my active Youth for Christ days. Yes, I really missed YFC. I read a blog about how YFC was able to change a person from an ordinary teenager to a loyal YFC. Then, I remembered how much I've changed since my "graduation" from youth camp. It's like finding a family who shares the same passion as yours. In Youth for Christ, I was able to "choose" God above all, above the material things I consider as "irreplaceable".
With all the evil things I've done, God gave me a chance to change and remember the TRUTH. With my project in Theology, I was able to remember that God really LOVES and CARES for me. He cares for YOU... He cares for US!!
-peace be with you..

very unusual birthday..

Feb 2, 2010 is my birthday. Yep, and it's an extraordinary one for me because it's my first time to celebrate it away from my family. It's kinda sad because I miss the days that I am with my family and relatives during my birthday. It's almost 9 pm and I guess the day went well. It may not be as good as before but I guess it's the best that I can have right now.

I started my day by going to mass celebrated at our university chapel wherein I've learned that today is the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. There I also learned that a man named Simeon, a devout man guided by the Holy Spirit, saw the child Jesus then said
"Lord, now you are letting your servant go in peace, just as you said. I have seen with my own eyes the one you have sent to save people. You have made this way for all peoples to be saved. He is a light which will shine for those who do not know God. He is the one who will bring praise to your people Israel." The celebrants of the mass also sang a special song about Simeon which made the mass more solemn.

After the mass, I stayed a little bit and prayed before going to my class and asked for guidance and help since our grades for the period will be announced. I knew I did not do my best...that I relied mostly in the help of God. And I said sorry for that. I knew that in order to reach your goals, you need to have your faith in God. But you have to do your part too...and that was my mistake. I haven't played my part very well. When I got my test papers, I was really disappointed with myself. I've got low scores but I accepted it. I was so willing since it's my fault anyway. But my faith in God was never lost. I still prayed that even though my exams are disappointing, my prelim grades will still pass. He didn't fail me. I still made it!! There was even a time that while checking our papers for corrections, temptation to let the correction unnoticed remained on my mind (because I'm failing and letting it will make me pass the test), but then, I said to God "Lord, I will do what is right, but please, let me pass this subject". I kept on praying that when the professor called my name, I was surprised that I passed! What a wonderful feeling that God helped me. Plus, my conscience wouldn't bother me and I could sleep tonight with nothing to worry...

It was an unusual birthday because I may not be with my loved ones, but I know that God never left me alone. =)

-peace be with you all.. =)

Can't Sleep

Feb 1, 2010

Hello...I just came from class and then headed straight to the nearest computer shop to post this.

Last night, I arrived here in Manila and found that I'm still alone in the room so images and thoughts visited my mind. Being all by myself made me decide to reflect and create a poem to somehow diminish my loneliness of being away from my family again.

Here is the poem:

Can't Sleep
by Millelan2

Lying in my bed doing none
But thinking of the things I've done
What have I done in this earth
That I'll say it has a huge worth?
A question that's bugging my mind
Since I've learned that I shouldn't be blind
A question that should be answered
Not just by intelligent nerds
But also by everyone who lives
Because this shows what they believe
I've been living in here for years
And yet I still feel I'm not near
To the objectives set for me
And be the child He wished me to be
Tonight, all I ask Him is this:
To be able to find the right path
Even though I'm not good in math

This is all I can do because I haven't got formal education with making poems. I just like doing poetry when I'm not doing anything or when I'm inspired. And last night,I felt the need of making one. I have done more poems which I will post in here... someday.

-peace be with you all.. =)

P.S- Millelan2 is the name I use for my poems.. =)

wonderful mass plus new video..

Jan 31, 2010

Hi! We had a mass last night and for me, it is one of the most beautiful masses that I've attended in my whole life. It's like God is with me the whole time! What a wonderful feeling it is! I remember hearing the Responsorial Psalm a lot of times--when we are having masses in our school, but last night was different...very different. Our school choir still sung the Psalm but this time, I almost filled my eyes with tears... "The Lord is My Light and My Salvation...There is nothing I shall fear. He is My Fortress, He is My Shield. From whom shall I be afraid?". This gave me strength to fulfill and believe in my dreams...because I know that God is with me. Yes, a lot of times I have doubted my capabilities, but a lot of times also, He gave me strength and hope to believe. =)

Yesterday I was inspired of creating a blog...and not only that, I also created a channel in youtube and I just finished my first video. Last night is our celebration of the feast of the Holy Infant Jesus so I put some video clips and pictures from last night plus the song Adonai as the background song. I tried to view and it is not as good quality as I have saved it on my computer but it's still okay I guess. here is the link:

-peace be with you all.. =)

Youth for Him..

Jan 30, 2010

Hey! I just want to share with all of you what I think of being a Youth for Christ. Yes, I am a Youth for Christ and I'm proud of it. Cause by being a YFC, I am able to serve Him more...the problem is, being in college didn't help me become a responsible youth for Him. I have to attend classes, I have to review for the exams, lots and lots of things to do that I wasn't able to attend on any assemblies during the past few months.
The last time that I attended as I remember, is a youth camp, wherein I was a part of the service team. It's my first time to serve in a camp that's why I was so excited about it that I even discarded the invitation of my relatives to have a vacation with them out of town. But, I never knew that a sad thing will happen during the camp. I never knew. I never knew that because of that incident, which is not my fault or that I have nothing to do with it, my service as a YFC ceases. Okay, it didn't actually cease. Because a Youth for Christ will always be a Youth for Christ, or at least that's what we believe. My service stopped for months that I didn't have any ideas on what's happening with the other YFCs and my friends as well. But I felt that I really need to serve Him. I really want to serve Him and be an active Youth for Christ member again. I really missed serving God.
So...I came up with this decision to create a blog wherein I can share my thoughts and reflections with other people. Since I'm always away for college and I have free time in there, it's the only thing that I can do right now. I hope that by sharing the things I know I will be able to serve Him and others as well. Okay, starting today, I'll try to update this blog everyday...So help me God.
-peace be with you all.. =)